Spring Newsletter: 2015 TBA Memberships are Now Open

April 06, 2015

President’s Message

Hello fellow Thunder Beachers!  The calendar signals that Spring is here and time for our first Newsletter of the year. You will see that the Newsletter is chockfull of information and dates. Your Executive and other volunteers have been working very hard to get the summer organized with new activities and old reliables so please take the time to read about what is happening – and then participate or get involved.  

Our website continues to evolve and remains the most efficient way to renew your membership as well as the most cost effective way for us to communicate with you. A new addition this year to our website is paid advertising and we are very pleased to welcome and thank the support of Jeanne McIssac and Bayfield House Retirement Home. We want to expand our advertising in future years on the website as well as continue with advertisements in the roster. Please take note who is supporting the Association, patronize their businesses and be sure to tell them you are there because you saw their ad at Thunder Beach! And I think the water levels should be high again this summer thanks to John Philpott (or maybe it was the long cold winter).

See you at the Beach.

Andrew Macdonald

Membership Renewal and Roster Deadline

2015 TBA Memberships are now available for renewal. A TBA membership is required in order to be included in the TBA roster and to take advantage of other member benefits such as Tennis Membership and the Children's Camp Program. This year's roster deadline is May 15th, 2015. If you'd like to be included in the 2015 TBA roster, you must renew your membership by this date, so please don’t delay and renew now

If you choose not to use the website you many send your cheques payable to the Thunder Beach Association c/o Anne Hardcastle, 33 Glenrose Ave, Toronto, M4T 1K3.

If there are corrections to be made the directory e.g. addresses, email addresses, names etc please email corrections to hardcastleanne@hotmail.com. Looking forward to another great summer.

Anne Hardcastle-Roebuck

Treasurer and Membership Director


Property Update

As spring arrives, we see the amount of work it takes to get our community ready for the summer. From making sure the TBA Clubhouse is ready for the children and our annual Beach Balls, to preparing the tennis courts, getting the fields ready for baseball, football, field day and so much more. There is also the demand of the general day to day maintenance that needs to be completed in a timely manner. A decision was made by the Association this year to outsource to a local maintenance company.  Harbourview Property Management http://harbourviewpm.com was chosen because they are equipped to accomplish all of the above. This allows us to manage the workload more proactively and ensure that the upkeep of our facilities is maintained at a higher standard throughout the season.

Matt DuCharme

TBA Property Director


Social Update

We look forward to coming together again after a long and cold winter. Please mark your calendars and save the date for this summer’s social events.

Lobsterfest - Saturday July 4th

Join us in kicking off the summer with fresh lobsters, french fries by Jamie Kennedy Kitchens and the musical styling’s of Bryan Taylor.  

August Event Night - Saturday August 1st  

Thank you to Allison and Tom Macdonald who have volunteered to join in the organization of the August Event Night; dinner and dance.  Theme TBA!

Golf August 15 - tentative (see golf update below)

Laura Logaridis

Social Program Director


Farmers Market - The Thunder Beach General

Marcee Ronan and I are excited to be bringing the Farmers Market back to the beach this summer. We have been busy finding new products to add to our offerings. Eating locally is about more than food, it about knowing the people who grow it or make it. See you at the beach,

Beth Hardcastle

Follow the TB farmer's market on facebook!


2015 Children’s Program

Spring is officially here (at least according to the calendar) which means summer is just around the corner bringing the official launch of cottage season and the opening of The Thunder Beach Children’s Camp 2015.  We are pleased to announce that all three directors, Michelle, Susan, and Dave, have remained in their positions for the upcoming season. This should allow for continuity and consistency with programming and provide stability when it comes to facilitating a great camp experience for the children.

For the directors, camp started way back in January with counsellor and CIT applications, interviews and allocation of positions.  It is amazing to watch the Thunder Beach community grow which is evidenced by the large number of adolescents that apply for positions with the camp.  In the last week we have sent official offers of employment to the counsellors and contracted volunteer hours to the CIT’s.  Within the next couple of weeks we hope to have the final roster of counsellors and CIT’s completed.

Interviews were conducted for the position of head counsellor and it is with great pleasure and excitement that we announce Betsy Smith and Emily Meyer as “Co-Head Counsellors”.  This is a new staffing system we are implementing that we feel holds many advantages and will ultimately have a positive impact on the Children’s Program.  Both Betsy and Emily are in their final year of high school and will be off to university in the fall.  Individually they both have an extensive amount of camp experience which will create an understanding and awareness of the specific needs of the camp.  Their personal skills and attributes complement each other and combined they create more diversity in the leadership role. Already they have demonstrated their ingenuity and creativity presenting ideas and suggestions for the upcoming season. Their youthfulness, energy and connection with the Thunder Beach community will be a direct asset.

Through reflecting on last year’s programming it has been decided to continue with the same format including timing and scheduling.  The basic outline of camp can be found below. We will continue with the single start time for camp. All campers from Kids Camp to Junior Sports to Senior Sports camp will start at 10:00am and finish at 12:00pm Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Tuesdays and Thursdays tennis will proceed as follows; Junior Tennis (campers 9 and under) will take place from 9:30-11:00am, Senior Tennis (for those 10 and up) will run from 11:00-12:30pm and for our youngest campers (3 and 4 year olds) physical activities promoting hand-eye coordination and gross motor movement will take place on the hard top area at the clubhouse from 9:30-11:00am.

The above scheduled timing will remain the same in the event of rain on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  If/when it rains the children will report to the club house for indoor activities.

Camp pricing:



Daily Rate




July 1 – July 31


August 3 – August 28


Season’s pass



The “Flexible Family Plan” will remain in effect for the 2015 season.  This package allows families to purchase in advance 10 days of camp for the price of $100.  These packages will continue to be available throughout the summer. Just a reminder that these packages must be purchased in advance, may only be used by children within an immediate family whose names have been registered in advance, and are non-refundable and non-transferable and cannot be carried over from one summer to the next.

Purchase your camp package now.

Camp scheduling information will be listed as part of the Children’s Summer Calendar which accompanies your roster. Please feel free to contact us with inquiries or feedback at:

michelle.morneau@hotmail.com;  daveybutski@gmail.com; doingood7@yahoo.com.  

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the beach!!!

Susan Butler, Dave Butler and Michelle Morneau

Children’s Camp Directors


Tennis Update Summer 2015

After this very long, cold winter, I believe all of us as Tennis enthusiasts are looking forward to being able to get outside and get rid of the cobwebs and bring back our “A” game. It is also the time of year we are busy getting the courts ready, organizing tournaments and once again ensuring that tennis is a part of the Children’s Program.

In regards to the courts themselves, we have not lost sight of the fact we need to resurface our courts. It is an expensive project and every year we get closer to being able to accomplish this. It makes it even more important that we ensure that only members are playing on the courts (you must be a member of the TBA and also a TBA tennis member). As a paying member, I ask that we all take the responsibility of making sure you wear your shoe tags. Also, let’s encourage people that are playing and not paying that they should pay for the future of our courts.  

The tournament dates have been set – Adult MIXED doubles is July 11th, MEN’S doubles is July 25th and WOMEN’s doubles is August 8th.  I will make sure that this year all of those dates are included in the monthly event calendar. I encourage all members to participate. These tournaments have become not only for participants but spectators as well, which makes it even more exciting. See you on the courts for another great summer. Suggestions are welcome! matt.ducharme@sympatico.ca

Matt DuCharme

TBA Tennis Director

Below illustrates a PERFECT DAY at Thunder Beach – morning tennis match and exercise and then off to the beach. (Guess who won?)


Baseball Update "Batter Up!"

Thunder Beach Youth Baseball: It's an early start to the 2015 Baseball season, our 24th year! - 1 day AFTER Canada Day.  Thursday July 2 - Friday July 19th.  Teams will be posted at the TBA Clubhouse and tennis courts. Games will be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning at 4:15. All players between 6 and 15 are welcome. No experience necessary (It has been years since anyone struck out!). $20 per player. Volunteer coaches please contact Doug Jones: djones000@sympatico.ca or 705.533.2385 or 519.884.4359

Doug Jones

TBA Youth Baseball Coordinator


Luke Santi Memorial Flag Football Tournament

We are excited to welcome you to another year of great flag football at TB! The tournament, renamed in honour of Luke Santi in 2008, has enabled hundreds of children to participate in a week-long series of flag football games.

As initiated last year, we are very pleased that Connor Houston will continue in the role of Coordinator. Connor, along with the Smeaton and Santi families' will handle this summer’s tournament planning, logistics and communications.

If you are interested in playing, coaching, refereeing or volunteering, please contact Connor directly, by text or call to 416.844.2730<tel:416.844.2730>. We appreciate ALL the help from many friends and parents during flag football week!

This year’s tournament will begin on Monday, July 20th and conclude on Thursday, July 23rd.  Games will take place at 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. each day.  Again this year, on the afternoon of Sunday, July 19th, Connor is planning to stage an optional, drop-in clinic at the field for all players, coaches and referees!  This is open to all, but new participants are especially encouraged to attend to familiarize themselves with the game. The week will also include the popular adult games and the championship tailgate party!

We would appreciate you contacting Connor and registering before Wednesday, July 15th. This allows us to get an accurate participation count. Watch for additional details, including sign-up sheets/information posted at the Friendly Corner Store.  Early sign-up will also be available at Field Day, on Saturday, July 4th. The fee is $20.00 per player.

We look forward to seeing everyone again this summer!

Connor Houston / Gordon, Martha, Quinn and Matthew Smeaton / Luigi, Shelagh, Andrea and Janelle Santi


Beach Volleyball Tournament Update


The Annual Tawny Richard Memorial Volleyball Tournament

The Annual Tawny Richard Memorial Volleyball Tournament will be held on Saturday July 18, 2015.  It will follow the same format as last year, where individuals are assigned to a team upon arrival.  It’s a great way to mix and mingle with Thunder Beachers.  We would like to thank the Butler and Bolt family for graciously agreeing to host this event again on East Beach (just a few cottages east of the Simcoe Country Road 6 right-of-way). Remember to walk (not drive) and to respect their property and the neighbouring properties. Further details will come regarding sign-up, starting times, and registration fees.

John Philpott, Brad Martin, and Erin Gross


Thunder Run

The Thunder Run will be held on the August 8th this year. More details to come!


Golf News and Feedback

You will note that the website does not include a signup for golf this year but please hold August 15 as a tentative date for the annual Thunder Beach Golf Tournament. We have had some bad luck the last couple of years with rainouts which no doubt may have had some impact on the financial success.  Attendance also seems to have been dropping over recent years so we would really like to try to gauge the interest level and assuming there is enough interest, increase participation from more Thunder Beachers: men and women,  youth and seniors, and anyone who just want to have a fun afternoon of golf and socializing. The organizers are also looking for fresh ideas as to how to approach both the format and social aspect of the tournament  eg . # of holes:  9 v. 18 holes?  Start time? Tournament location: Brooklea, Midland G&CC or Thunder Beach Highlands?; Catering options: BBQ etc ...We would really like to get your ideas and suggestions so please email  David Northcott at 99northy@csolve.net or Paul Macdonald at paul.macdonald26@gmail.com


Thunder Beach Dock Company: Notice to Members

Greetings to all Thunder Beach Gas Dock Members! The Gas Dock will be open for business on weekends throughout June.  Full service on weekdays and weekends will resume on July 1.  

Our hours of operation will be as follows:  

Monday to Friday:  12 – 3 pm (as of July 1)

Saturday, Sunday and holidays: 10am to 3pm (as of the May long weekend)

Members who would like to rent docking space are invited to contact Bill McNamara at (416) 216-3918 during the week or (705) 533-2493 on weekends.  

Please do not forget to renew your Dock memberships for 2015 ($150 per family).  Your support is an essential component of the Dock’s financial viability.  

We look forward to seeing you on the water!

John Burns, Mike Mihaichuk, Bill McNamara



Thunder Beach will continue to be a member of FOTTSA through the summer of 2015.  

As a member of the Thunder Beach Association, you are also a FOTTSA member.  This entitles you to a number of discounts in the Lafontaine, Penetang, and Midland area.  You can find information on the discounts at the FOTTSA website, www.tinycottager.org.  The list of participating businesses is usually posted in June.  You can get your FOTTSA member card at the July Field Day or by contacting John Philpott at jsphilpott@gmail.com.  

FOTTSA monitors all meetings of the Tiny of Township council and posts information on Township matters at www.tinycottager.org.  If you have any concerns regarding municipal issues with the Township of Tiny, you can email John Philpott, Thunder Beach’s FOTTSA representative, at jsphilpott@gmail.com regarding your concerns.  

FOTTSA remains involved in a host of environmental issues, including increasing presence of phragmites and the decreasing water levels for Lake Huron.  Thunder Beach participates in water testing with FOTTSA for information gathering purposes.  More information on the water levels can also be found at http://restoreourwater.com/ (which is associated with FOTTSA), www.georgianbayforever.org, and www.stopthedrop.ca.  More information on phragmites can be found at www.tinycottager.org and at www.stoptheinvasion.ca.  

John Philpott


Dogs at Thunder Beach

Over the years, the Thunder Beach Association has received a number of comments, questions and concerns regarding dogs running off leash at the beach.  Recently, we have heard complaints involving biting incidents.

Dogs are a tricky issue for the TBA as there are as many views on the subject as there are types and temperaments of dogs.  In the TBA Guidelines, published in the Roster, it states "Please do not allow your dog to run at large. Clean up after your dog".  This statement is consistent with the Tiny Township by-laws which prohibit dogs running at large and owners not cleaning up after their dogs.  It is also consistent with the TBA philosophy of being community minded and being considerate of your neighbours.  It is Tiny Township (not the TBA) that has the mandate and responsibility to make and enforce the bylaws relating to dogs.  If you have concerns, you can raise these directly with the bylaw enforcement officers of Tiny.  Also, under expanded provincial legislation, there can be serious penalties and consequences for both owners and dogs if there is a biting incident.  Please keep these Township and provincial requirements in mind as we look forward to another great summer with families, friends, and our furry friends as well.


Celebration of Life for Phyllis M. Lee

You are invited to join us to celebrate the life of Phyllis M. Lee, wife, mother and grandmother who suffered from cancer and myelo dysplastic syndrome blood disorder leukemia for many years and died at the Midland Hospital on December 12, 2014. The event will take place at the TBA clubhouse on Saturday June 20th from 1 to 4pm. Please join us to honour her life.  We appreciate you letting us know in advance if you will be there, so we can plan accordingly. RSVP. to Richard Lee at 705-533-2476/ 36 East Beach.

The Lee Family (Richard, Ralph, Kathleen, Michael)