REVISED: 2012 Thunder Beach Association AGM Agenda

August 17, 2012

ADVANCE NOTICE: Thunder Beach Association Annual General Meeting Saturday August 25, 2012 1000; Clubhouse Download the agenda as a Word Doc UPDATE: The agenda for this Saturday's Annual TBA Meeting has been revised to include a discussion whether the Thunder Beach Association should join the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Association ("FOTTSA"), which is an affiliation of shoreline ratepaying communities. The current FOTTSA President, Paul Cowley, will be in attendance to answer questions. If you want to familiarize yourself with their mandate and current activities prior to our meeting, please visit their website:

Agenda Items

1- Welcome and Introductions of Executive 2- Approval of Agenda 3- Approval of August 27, 2011 AGM Meeting Minutes 4- President’s Report 5- Treasurer’s Report 6- Membership Report 7- Communications/Website Report 8- Children’s Program Report 9- Tennis Report 10- Social Director’s Report 11- Dock Company Update 12- Thunder Beach Association Executive Slate 2012/2013 13- Dock Company Directors Slate 2012/2013 14- FOTTSA Membership discussion and vote 15- Water Sampling Report 16- Adjournment PLEASE NOTE: Any requests for additional agenda items for discussion at the AGM are to be forwarded to the President no later than Monday August 20th. Only those agenda items forwarded to the President prior to this date will be considered for in-depth discussion at the AGM. Forward agenda items to Louise O’Connor: ; 705-533-9993

Thunder Beach Association Executive Slate 2012/2013:

Past President: David Northcott Past President: Susan Inrig President: Louise O’Connor Vice President: Matt DuCharme Vice President: Gord Chapple Vice President: John Philpott Vice President: Andrew Macdonald Treasurer: Anne Hardcastle-Roebuck Membership Director: Susan Winter Social Director: Laura Loragidis Children’s Program Director: Michelle Morneau & Stephanie Palmer Communications/Website: Mark Macdonald Secretary: Tristin Carter Dock Company Directors 2012/2013: Bill McNamara John Burns Mike Mihaichuk