August 27, 2012

Updated: Download FOTTSA Informational Letter

Dear TBA members, At the Annual General Meeting, held on Saturday August 25, 2012, the members in attendance voted unaminously in favour of joining the Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations ("FOTTSA") for a one year period. One of issues being tackled by FOTTSA is the decrease in the water levels for Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. You can find more information regarding FOTTSA's involvement in this issues here. FOTTSA's President, Paul Cowley, suggested that concerned members should write a letter to the International Joint Commission ("IJC") (which has jurisdiction over the issue) and John Baird, the Minster responsible for the IJC, with copies being sent to Bruce Stanton (our Federal MP) and Garfield Dunlop (our Provincial MPP). Available for download below is an informational letter provided by FOTTSA that includes a suggested format for a letter along with substantive points which can be expressed. (The reason that a form letter is not being provided is that the IJC only counts identical form letters as one, regardless of how many they receive.) The deadline for sending a letter or email is August 31, 2012, after which the IJC will not be receiving any further public input. In addition to joining FOTTSA, the TBA members also voted in favour of forming a subcommittee to deal with the water level issue. The TBA Executive has appointed John Philpott to sit on the subcommittee and is currently looking for other members who are interested in being involved. If you would like to join the subcommittee, please send an email to John Philpott at jsphilpott@gmail.com with a brief description of how and why you would like to be involved. We hope everyone enjoys the last week of summer. Best regards, The TBA Executive

Updated: Download FOTTSA Informational Letter